Product & Proposition Launches
If you’re launching something new, or enhancing your existing offering, it will take work to get it live. Especially if you want happy clients, happy teams and a foundation for sustainable growth.
From Impact Assessment to Launch Management and beyond we can help get you live with minimal risk and fully optimised operations. No matter if its a new product, proposition or service offering.
So whether you need...
Full Operating Model design
Change Management support
Your launch strategy
Go-Live and Early Life Support management
... or a little bit of everything, we're here to help.
And remember, while it’s best to think about these things early in your project, it’s never too late to bring in some help. We’ve even been known to help post-go-live with issue management & resolution.
Ready for lift off?
Introducing SP.ACE
We run projects using our SP.ACE framework - it's the building blocks for successfully delivering change for financial service & tech providers.
Click the image for a better look of how we'd typically apply the framework to your launch.
And, you can read more on SP.ACE here. 🚀